President of the Republic of Tajikistan

Discussion of Dushanbe reconstruction projects

Discussion of Dushanbe reconstruction projects

10.02.2012 13:00, Dushanbe city

Today the President of the country Emomali Rahmon learned about the projects of reconstruction of a number of roads and construction of numerous new buildings in Dushanbe city, as well as gave concrete instructions to the officials on adjustment of town council’s activities and face of the city to modern requirements.


Congratulatory message to Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

Congratulatory message to Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

03.02.2012 14:00

President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon sent a congratulatory message to Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on his re-election as President of Turkmenistan.

The congratulatory telegram reads, in part:

“Your re-election to this high post is yet another evidence of brotherly Turkmen nation’s broad support toward your consistent policy designed to further develop the country and to raise the level of its people’s welfare.


Congratulatory message of Japan’s Prime Minister to Emomali Rahmon

Congratulatory message of Japan’s Prime Minister to Emomali Rahmon

02.02.2012 15:00, Dushanbe city

Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihiko Noda addressed a congratulatory telegram to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on the 20th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Tajikistan, which reads, in part:

“Our country comprehensively supports Tajikistan since the first days of its independence.

We intend to further assist your country in all spheres, including improvement and beautification of Tajikistan, implementation of different economic reforms and its development.


Congratulatory message to Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda

Congratulatory message to Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda

02.02.2012 13:00

President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon sent a congratulatory message to the Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihiko Noda on the occasion of the 20th anniversary since the establishment of Tajik-Japanese diplomatic relations.

The congratulatory telegram reads, in part:

“I note with satisfaction that the relations between Tajikistan and Japan are actively developing and are elevating to a qualitatively new level in bilateral and multilateral cooperation.


Presentation by new ambassadors of their letters of credence

Presentation by new ambassadors of their letters of credence

31.01.2012 15:00, Dushanbe city

President of the country Emomali Rahmon received letters of credence from the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of 8 states – the Republic of Italy Ricardo Manara, the Kingdom of Denmark Risdal Jensen, Ireland Philip McDonagh, the Republic of Slovakia Yurai Sivachek, the Republic of Lithuania Rokas Bernotas, the Republic of Estonia Jaan Hein, State of Israel Hilel Newman and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Le Man Luan.


New appointments

New appointments

28.01.2012 15:00, Dushanbe city

President of the country Emomali Rahmon received a group of cadres proposed for appointment to the governing posts in Security Council, Interior Ministry and other structures.

President Emomali Rahmon called upon the officers of law enforcement agencies for loyal and faithful fulfillment of their responsible tasks, ruthless fight against crime, ensuring security and stability in the society, and proper training and education of young cadres of their spheres.


New appointments

New appointments

21.01.2012 15:00, Dushanbe city

Today, the President of the country Emomali Rahmon received a group of cadres proposed for appointment to high-ranking posts in structures of Public Prosecutor’s Office and National Guard of Tajikistan.

Following the talk and coordination with the Head of state the leadership of a number of structures of the mentioned organs has been replaced.


Enlarged session of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

Enlarged session of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

18.01.2012 18:00, Dushanbe city

Today, an enlarged session of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan took place under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Head of country’s Government Emomali Rahmon.

The results of socio-economic and cultural development of the country in 2011 have been analyzed and considered at the meeting, as well as tasks for the current year have been determined and specified.


New appointments

New appointments

16.01.2012 14:00, Dushanbe city

President of the country Emomali Rahmon received those proposed to high-ranking posts in structures of Interior Ministry and Agency for State Financial Control and Fight against Corruption.

After talk with Head of State Emomali Rahmon the following persons were appointed to posts:

Nurillo Oripov – First Deputy Minister of Interior;

Sherali Sabzov – Deputy Minister of Interior;

Abdurahmon Buzmakov – Head of Interior Department of Dushanbe city;

Anvar Taghoymurodov – Head of Interior Department of Khatlon region;


Meeting with Urmas Paet

Meeting with Urmas Paet

12.01.2012 13:00, Dushanbe city

President of the country Emomali Rahmon received the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia Urmas Paet who arrived for an official visit to Dushanbe.

Issues pertaining to political, trade-economic and scientific-cultural relations between the two countries have been reviewed at the meeting.

Much attention was paid to the development of mutually beneficial ties and strengthening legal-treaty basis of cooperation.

Urmas Paet stated that Estonia supports the accession of Tajikistan to World Trade Organization.

Write to the president
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